Thursday, July 3, 2008

a tired tale of non epic-ness from pit fall

he there. pit fall here.

so freaking tired. thats that.
i decided that the peachpit room needed to be gutted and cleaned of all its crafty clutter and go through old fabric and just get rid of all the junk we dont use. thats what i did yesterday.
peachy keen came over did some errands, then i cleaned.
ended up in the sewing room which i didnt want to end up in unless i was making something since i have PLENTY of other things i could have been arranging better,. but that was the room of choice i guess. i threw away sooooo much crap!
its amazing how much one can accumulate and not realize it. then when you go through it to toss out suddenly everything looks like its still needed or with sentimental value. what the hell is with that?! i mean shit, there was stuff i havent touched sinced i moved in!
so now i have an entire trashcan waiting for trash day plus more.
i havent even finished one of the shelves.
i tried to rearrange, then i moved it back, then moved it again then again. damn ocd.
i have an urge to go back in there tonight and work some trying to resist. peachy keen and i have a looooong day at work tomarrow.

on other notes.
i just got back from seeing wall e with my friend dan. it was awesome, pixar is always sooo pretty to watch and wall e is just so cute. even though i fell asleep for 10 minutes it had nothing to do with the movie. im just THAT tired. sleeping is unproductive. and i want to be productive.
ALSO i checked our etsy when i got back and we sold 2 pieced of clothing! yay!!! thankyou kind etsyian who bought stuff!! seriously. its been a slooooow month for us. we really needed that to boost up our decaying souls. (i know the term would be spirits, but peachy keen and i have souls. and they are apparently decaying. we're gonna end up like the little mermaid souls. ahhh!!! NooooO!!! why!? why?! ahhhhh *sob*
yeah,m well whatever, like we're not expecting it.)
i won 2 littlest pet shop auctions on ebay today. cute toys for cheap. so note to all readers...
* IF YOU EVER FEEL THE DEEP LOVE FOR US AND NEED TO SHOW IT, YOU MAY PURCHASE US LITTLEST PET SHOPS and of course buy our stuff on etsy so we can pay bills, but toys man, we love toys and we would love to have money for toys. toys and tattoos, we like those too. we will accept money to make our skin prettier.
we're gonna have to start sweet talking hasbro for some hookups on those.
i think i just may post a blog on lps. yeah.
that sounds good....

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