Sunday, November 16, 2008

rock on baby!

so us here at peachpit are getting ready for the rock n roll craft show.
when and where is this even you may ask....

rock n roll craft show.
november 28,29,30
glass factory in the del mar loop st. louis mo

make some time to go and pick up some of our wares.
lots of cool never seen items by peachy keen and pit fall.

look at us, we're on our way to adventures!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


its getting to be cold.....
that means lots of scarves, hats and hoodies up at out etsy site!!!
go pick out something nice for yourself and stay warm this season!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


yes, thats right everybody!
peachpit has put some of their summer items on sale. we dont usually have sales so make sure to take advantage of us at this moment!


we just uploaded some really cute new items!
katamari plush,
granny smith apple hat
and more hoodies!!

dont forget to check our our super cute plush and scarves while your at it!


Sunday, August 31, 2008

sneak peek!

heyu everyone!
havent updated in a bit, we have been crazy busy...
ANYWHO here is a sneek peek of what should be appearing quite soon on etsy!
TONS more in process, (alon with new plush and clothing!!)
fall is almost here so its time to start thinking and ordering your neck gear ^_^

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

hp hbp

the harry potter and the half blood prince trailer is OUT!
lookin good lookin good.
can we say EXCITEMENT.
yes, yes we can.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


a bigfoot corpse was found today in georgia. and several others were spotted.
they took some dna samples and are doing an autotopsy and a press release will be issued friday.
this is freakin nuts. crazyness! ahhh im so excited!
if the government doesnt try to keep this all hush hush there will be mass amounts of funding and they are saying that they WILL be able to find them.
another one was spotted on another coast earlier this week.
theyre coming out of hiding, they must know that the world is coming to an end.
so in honor of the fallen sasch, look out for sasch plush created by yours truly,

Saturday, August 2, 2008


we havent been posting blogs as of late and the reason....LOST.
we havent had any adventures because all we have been doing outside of work is crochet while watching lost.
we should be finishing season 3 soon and then onto season 4.
freakin sweeet.
never really had interest in watching it but happened upon a season 4 episode on the telly and promptly bought seasons 1-4. (yes, season 4)
so until we finish, dont expect many adventures.
still be on the lookout for updates.
we have been making fun things while watching ^_^

ps. pit falls birthday is monday.
celebrate by treating yourself at

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

when you need yarn you get...

so, we needed some yarn.
all of our craft stores were too far of a drive in the horrid HORRID heat. seriously, it was gross. like you dont want your armpits to touch your body so you hold them out and away, yeah. that kind of gross. the kind of gross that the ac in your car is pumping out 90 degree heat and you are lapping up every pump of air that it spits out at you. in other words, we didnt want to go too far, so whats the closest place to go....yea, you know the place. the place where you take life into you very hands by turning into the mere parking lot, the place where you feel disgusted with life itself upon the automatic door opening, where you wait in line for an hour when there is only 1 person in front of you, the place that is the shithole of
we survived the parking lot, with but a few battle wounds, getting to the yarn was an obsticle course of human waste and B.O.
grabbed the yarn.
ended up in the toy isle. the toy isle of awesomeness. and there. right there. in the most putrid of stores....brand new littlest pet shops, and not only that, but the lady bug and snail set! we looked at each other, our beaten down spirits now lifted, we knew what had to be done. peachy keen grabbed the ladybug/snail, pit fall, grabbed the morbidly obese hamster set and we took off. jumping over the human waste and through the fog of B.O. we finally made it to self check out, o glories of glories. the bliss of self checking, dealing with slow bilingual computers is much eaiser than dealing with the low vocabulary mutants of walmart.
we win.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


so. paychecks came today.
our promotions were supposed to be on them money wise....not there. wont be till next paycheck,
that sucks, there were lots of bills due THIS paycheck. hmmm....
so, if any of you kind, lovely people out there got paid too, stop on by our shop and treat yourself to something nice ^_^
as always...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


us two ladies here at peachpit, the lovely peachy keen and pit fall are in desperate need of a makeover. DESPERATE.
what do we need?
we need to go and get our hair did.
thats what.
we havent been able to go get our hair prettified in O so long. seriously. its getting long and out of control. its just there, no spark, no fancy, just blah.
we are not blah. we are fancy ladies on the go and we need hair to show it!
stupid student loans.
we need a sugar daddy/momma/animal friend/whatever to pay for us to be pretty (cause we cant afford it *cry*
we need to send out some fabulous items from our etsy shop to paying customers, you lovely people can message us hair fund, or student loans, ect...that will be fun good ol' customer interaction,
OR you can simply purchase an item you love and give it a good home, cause thats really what we care about. making cute items for YOU to enjoy. ^_^
happiness is key... so does that makes us key makers? we hope.


we really want to make some hoodies....
they're fun and cute....
you should have us do a custom order for you....
it'll be lots of fun,
then you could be cool,
so cool with a hoodie just for you...
everyone would be soooo jealous....
we could put cute ears on it...
or a cute little felt friend...
all your friends would want to be just like you,
but they can't,
you know why,
they don't have a super cool hoodie from the ladies of peachpit.

check out our shop (
look in our clothing section, and sold section, cuteness ahoy!

coffee is awesome when mixed with more crack caffeine ^_-

le sigh*

heylo everyone.
its hot. and boring. and crampy.
give us a hello or stop on by our shop
there will be good stuff there. we have everything. take your're bound to see something you like. ^_^

Friday, July 11, 2008

something good finally happened at work!

and now the store has two mommies and here they are!
hooray for peachy keen and pit fall! woooo!!! go us!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


why yes we make our own dresses. and why yes we would be happy to make on in your size. check our pics. made those. check out our etsy.
got an idea. we'll listen. dresses are fun cause they make a girl feel pretty. but we also offer skirts and hoodies and tops. looking into more screen printing soon!

Friday, July 4, 2008

things that go BOOM in the night

i dont like loud noises! like fireworks, so let me tell you man am i enjoying this national holiday. and too be honest, i have a love hate relationship with storms, i enjoy them when im home and safe and with my guy, but yeah, kinda scared of the thunder. i HATE when airplanes fly over my house or work. i really dont care too much for drivebys, explosions or bombs.
so happy bday america...look how the mighty have fallen.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

our love for littlest pet shops

so, for those of you who know us, or will begin to know us one thing about peachpit is that we LOVE rediculous cute toys. im mean look at our shops plush. ADORABLE and weird.
now here are some things that peachpit needs.

peachy keen NEEDS this ladybug bad, like an alcoholic needs a functioning liver....
for real. she digs lady bugs. she also NEEDS this skunk...
and really....what little girl DIDNT get a pony, so we need these too...

theres tons more...i hear there is a chinchilla coming out, an armadillo in august just in time for *ehem* pit falls birthday....a kangaroo, and more. ...

le sigh...
off to do something productive.
i may try out this sleep thing

a tired tale of non epic-ness from pit fall

he there. pit fall here.

so freaking tired. thats that.
i decided that the peachpit room needed to be gutted and cleaned of all its crafty clutter and go through old fabric and just get rid of all the junk we dont use. thats what i did yesterday.
peachy keen came over did some errands, then i cleaned.
ended up in the sewing room which i didnt want to end up in unless i was making something since i have PLENTY of other things i could have been arranging better,. but that was the room of choice i guess. i threw away sooooo much crap!
its amazing how much one can accumulate and not realize it. then when you go through it to toss out suddenly everything looks like its still needed or with sentimental value. what the hell is with that?! i mean shit, there was stuff i havent touched sinced i moved in!
so now i have an entire trashcan waiting for trash day plus more.
i havent even finished one of the shelves.
i tried to rearrange, then i moved it back, then moved it again then again. damn ocd.
i have an urge to go back in there tonight and work some trying to resist. peachy keen and i have a looooong day at work tomarrow.

on other notes.
i just got back from seeing wall e with my friend dan. it was awesome, pixar is always sooo pretty to watch and wall e is just so cute. even though i fell asleep for 10 minutes it had nothing to do with the movie. im just THAT tired. sleeping is unproductive. and i want to be productive.
ALSO i checked our etsy when i got back and we sold 2 pieced of clothing! yay!!! thankyou kind etsyian who bought stuff!! seriously. its been a slooooow month for us. we really needed that to boost up our decaying souls. (i know the term would be spirits, but peachy keen and i have souls. and they are apparently decaying. we're gonna end up like the little mermaid souls. ahhh!!! NooooO!!! why!? why?! ahhhhh *sob*
yeah,m well whatever, like we're not expecting it.)
i won 2 littlest pet shop auctions on ebay today. cute toys for cheap. so note to all readers...
* IF YOU EVER FEEL THE DEEP LOVE FOR US AND NEED TO SHOW IT, YOU MAY PURCHASE US LITTLEST PET SHOPS and of course buy our stuff on etsy so we can pay bills, but toys man, we love toys and we would love to have money for toys. toys and tattoos, we like those too. we will accept money to make our skin prettier.
we're gonna have to start sweet talking hasbro for some hookups on those.
i think i just may post a blog on lps. yeah.
that sounds good....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

food baby

uhhhhh...........pit fall here.....
i have a total food baby!
feelin like a chunky little monkey! but a happy chunky little monkey....belly so full and bloaty

went to eat with my big bro tasty....salmon wrap....yum....havent eaten all freakin tasty!

granted it took me about 2 hours to eat it. think we got there at 6ish, didnt leave till about 8:30. a slooooow eater. but was so good....

expect some more blogging tomarrow! and new stuff added! yes! wooo!
peachy keen has a spiffy new plush we will be adding so watch it!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

wooo! this shout out goes to.....

BoutiqueCandle a nice little etsy shop that picked officer mc bumbles (one of our plush friends) and included him in her treasury! so thankyou kindly boutiquecandle!

here is the treasury:

her shop:

so everyone bee awesome and go visit her shop!
(dont you just love puns?! we do and we will use them whenever we get the chance!)

good job officer mc bumbles!

get your own mug bitch

oh my gosh!!
look what sanrio is carrying these days!
we totally picked this up today for mom. yeah, shes gonna love it. now she can carry it into the job she hates and throw down yo!


but yeah....
can you imagine working at the hello kitty store (imagine with us now).........
oh we got a new box of it up and then this....oh cute mug....wait...get your own mug b* this supposed to come to us? what would hello kitty say? wait! that bitch doesnt even have a mouth!

it wasnt just this there is an entire line of these angry little girls. (which is what the line is called)
its cute.
check it out at the sanrio near you.

AND of course...

check out OUR shop.

like WHOA

ooooo check us out. peachpit is blogging!!! it finally happened! we will be opening up our lives for the rest of the interweb world to see!

be prepared for massive picture postings, crazy (and not so crazy) adventure times!

start saving money cause you will fall in love with our shop!!!

help 2 girls out, we need some love. ^_^